
Romano Pontifici eligendo
of Pope Paul VI
AND elect the Roman Pontiff




1. During the vacancy of the Apostolic See, the government of the Church is entrusted to the Sacred College of Cardinals only for the regular dispatch of business and can not be postponed, and to prepare everything for the election of the new Pope, noting the terms and limits of this Constitution of ours.

2. Therefore, the Sacred College, during that period, has no authority or jurisdiction over matters that relate to the Pontiff in life, all this must be reserved exclusively to the future Pontiff. Therefore we declare null and void any act of power or jurisdiction, for the Roman Pontiff while in life, which the College of Cardinals believed to practice, if not to the extent expressly permitted in this Constitution.

3. Also establish that the Sacred College of Cardinals can not have anything on the rights of the Apostolic and Roman Church, much less allow to lapse directly or indirectly, even to solve disputes or to prosecute actions perpetrated against the same rights after the death of the Pontiff. All carefully have to defend these rights.

4. Also during the Vacant in any way can not be corrected or amended laws issued by the Roman Pontiffs nor can you add anything or waive some of them, especially in regard to the ordering of the election of the Supreme Pontiff. If something was done or attempted against this provision only, we declare it null and void with our Supreme Authority.

5. In the event that questions arise about the meaning of the provisions contained in this Constitution or on our way to act them, and have determined that all power to pass judgment thereon corresponds to the Sacred College of Cardinals, which we therefore the power to interpret doubtful or controverted points, stating that if necessary to discuss these or similar issues, except the act of choosing the Pope, is sufficient for the majority of the cardinals present concur.

6. Similarly, when presented with a problem that, in the opinion of most of the cardinals assembled, cannot be deferred later, the Sacred College of Cardinals must have in the opinion of the majority.


7. During the Vacant, until arrival at the Conclave, there are two kinds of congregations of cardinals, and of these only: a general, ie around the Sacred College, and other particular. In general congregations should involve all cardinals legitimately unhindered, are hardly aware of the vacancy of the Apostolic See. However, the cardinals who have reached the age of eighty are granted the right to take part or not.

The Particular Congregation is made by Cardinal Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church and by three cardinals, one in Order, drawn by lot from among all who are entitled to elect the Pope as the standard no. 33 of this Constitution. The function of these three cardinals, called assistants, ceases completely after three days of admission to the Conclave, and instead be appointed, provided by lot every three days three.

During the Conclave most important issues will be addressed, if necessary, by a meeting of the cardinal electors, the ordinary business continue to be treated by the Particular Congregation of Cardinals. In general congregations and individuals, for the Vacant, cardinals wear the cassock regular black with red lace and buttons, and also red sash.

8. In particular congregations should be only minor issues as they arise each day or each time. If there are more important issues that deserve further examination, must be submitted to the General Congregation. Besides, all that has been decided, resolved or denied in a particular congregation, can not be revoked, altered or granted by another, but the right to do this belongs only to the General Congregation and by majority vote.

9. The General Congregations of the cardinals will take place in the Vatican Apostolic Palace or, if circumstances require, at a more appropriate, according to the same cardinals. These Congregations the Dean of the Sacred College or, in his absence, the deputy dean. Should one or both should not enter the Conclave for having turned 80, will chair the meeting of the cardinal electors who will eventually develop based on no. 7, the oldest cardinal in the order of precedence usual.

10. The vote in the Congregations of the cardinals, when it comes to matters of greater importance, should not be given in words but in secret.

11. The General Congregations Caucus prior to admission, and therefore are called "preparatory", should be held daily from the day appointed by the Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church and the three cardinals first of each Order, including days when they celebrate the funeral of the late Pontiff.This should be done to make it possible to hear the Cardinal Camerlengo of the Sacred College and apparently communications make him necessary or expedient, and also to allow the Cardinals in particular express their views on the problems that arise, ask for explanations about things Dubious and make proposals.

12. In the first general congregations will read the first part of this Constitution, ie "vacant Apostolic Period", which finished, all the cardinals present shall be sworn to observe the provisions contained therein and secrecy . This oath should be done also by those cardinals who, having arrived late, later involved in these congregations, will be read by Cardinal Dean in the presence of othercardinals as the following formula:

We cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, bishops, priests and deacons, promise, commit and swear, every single, accurate and faithfully observe all the norms contained in the Apostolic Constitution Romano Pontifici eligendo of Pope Paul VI and scrupulously maintain secrecy about everything that will be discussed or decided at the Congregations of Cardinals, both before and during the conclave, and also about anything that somehow has a connection with the election of the Roman Pontiff.

Then each of the cardinals say And I, N. Cardinal N., promise, pledge and swear me. And laying his hands on the Gospels added: So help me God and these Holy Gospels which I touch with my hand.

13. In one of the Congregations immediately following, the Cardinals must, in accordance with the agenda set, making decisions on the most urgent for the start of the conclave. That is:

a) Set the date, time and manner in which the body of the deceased Pontiff will be transferred to the Vatican Basilica to be exposed to the veneration of the faithful;

b) as necessary to arrange the funeral of the late Pontiff, to be held for nine consecutive days, and fix also the day that will start;

c) appoint two committees, both composed by three cardinals, the first designating who will enter the conclave to address the various services and who will be the primary caregiver; deliberate carefully if necessary to admit some conclavist , under no. 45 of this Constitution, and carefully informed about the qualities of all of them. The second committee will be responsible for the preparation and the close of the Conclave, as well as preparing the rooms;

d) take and pass the spending budget of the Conclave;

e) read, if any, the documents left by the deceased Pontiff to the Sacred College of Cardinals;

f) ensure that wastes are the fisherman's ring and lead seal, which are sent to the Apostolic Letters concerning;

g) distribute drawing rooms Caucus voters, unless the failing health of a voter advise proceed differently;

h) set the day and time of admission Conclave.


14. According to the mind of the Apostolic Constitution Universae Ecclesiae Regimini, all the cardinals in charge of the departments of the Roman Curia, and the cardinal of State, cease the exercise of their duties to the Pope's death, except the Camerlengo of the Holy Church Romana, the Major Penitentiary and the Vicar General for the Diocese of Rome, which continue to exert their regular duties, subjecting the Sacred College of Cardinals which should be referred to the Supreme Pontiff (cf. Proemium and no. 2. para. 5 AAS 59, 1967, p. 889 and 891).

15. In case of death of the Pope or before the election of the successor are vacant charges Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church or Major Penitentiary, the Sacred College shall, as soon as possible, providing you choose the cardinal or the cardinals who will occupy office until the election of the Pope. In each of the cases cited the election is held by secret ballot of all the cardinals present, using cards that will be distributed and collected by those in charge of ceremonies and finally opened by these same in presence of the Camerlengo and the three Cardinal assistants, if it comes to choosing the Major Penitentiary, or the above three cardinals and the Secretary of the Sacred College, whether to choose the Camerlengo. Be elected, enjoying ipso facto of all respective schools, which received the highest number of votes. In case of equality of votes, shall be appointed who belongs to the highest order and, within the same Order, who is older in terms of membership in the Sacred College. Until the election of the Camerlengo, its functions are exercised by the Dean of the Sacred College, which can take decisions without delay as circumstances dictate.

16. If, however, during the Vacant dies the Vicar General for the Diocese of Rome, the Vicegerent in office have all the powers, authority and power, which competed at the same Vicar for the exercise of his office and the Pontiff himself temporarily Vicegerent generally granted on the occasion of the opening of the Vicariate, until you have named the new Vicar. If missing or is also prevented the Vicegerent, shall work the first auxiliary bishop for appointment.

17. It is for the Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church, during the Vacant See, care for and manage the assets and temporal rights of the Holy See with the help of the three Cardinal Assistants, after the vote, expressed once for less important issues, and each time to the most serious, the Sacred College. Therefore, only the Prefect of the Papal Household has given the news of the death of the Pope, the Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church must officially ascertain the Pope's death, in presence of the Papal Master of Ceremonies of the prelates clerics the Reverend Apostolic Chamber and the Secretary-Chancellor of the same, which will extend the official death certificate, must also seal the private apartment of the same Pontiff; communicate his death the Cardinal Vicar, who give the news to the people of Rome with a special notice, take possession of the Apostolic Palace and, personally or through his delegate of the Lateran palaces and Castelgandolfo, exercising his custody and administration, establish, hearing the views of the heads of the three cardinals Orders everything concerning the burial of the Pope, unless he, when alive, had not indicated a willingness to respect, care for, on behalf and with the consent of the Sacred College, all that circumstances suggest for the defense of rights of the Apostolic See and the proper administration of the same.

18. Cardinal Major Penitentiary and his officers during the Vacant, can do everything that has been established by our predecessor Pius XI in the Apostolic Constitution Quae divinitus , of March 25, 1935 (see no. 12, AAS 27, 1935 , p. 112 et seq.).

19. However, the Dean of the Sacred College, has just been informed by the Prefect of the Papal Household of the Pope's death, the news will all cardinals, summoning them to the Congregation of the Sacred College, and to all those entitled to enter the conclave, in time. Similarly, the death of the Pontiff communicated to the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See and the supreme commanders of the respective nations.

20. As stated in the Apostolic Constitution Universae Ecclesiae Regimini , during the vacancy of the Apostolic See, the Substitute of the Secretariat of State or Papal remains in the direction of the office and its management responds to the Sacred College of Cardinals (see no. 19, para. 2; AAS59, 1967, p. 895).

21. Similarly, during the Vacant retain the position and the relative power of Papal Representatives.

22. The Almoner of His Holiness the charities continue with the same criteria used when the pope lived, and will be subordinated to the Sacred College of Cardinals to elect a new Pope, the Cardinal Camerlengo must extend the corresponding command.

23. During the Vacant, all civil power of the Pope concerning the government of Vatican City, corresponds to the Sacred College of Cardinals, which however cannot issue decrees except in case of urgent need and only time the vacancy of the Holy See. Such decrees are valid for the future only if the new Pontiff confirmed.

Chapter IV

24. During the Vacant See, the Holy Roman Congregations have no authority in matters which, HQ full , they cannot try and make if not cum facto verb, or Ex Audientia SS.mi, or vigore specialium et extraordinariarum facultatum , that the Roman Pontiff usually grant their Prefects and Registrars.

25. Not cease, however, with the Pope's death, the ordinary powers of each Sacred Congregation; establish, however, that the Sacred Congregations using them to grant favors only minor, while the most serious issues or discussed must be reserved exclusively to the future Pope, if they can be deferred, if you would admit no delay, the Sacred College of Cardinals may entrust the Cardinal who was Prefect to the death of Pope (cf. Paul VI, Const. Apost. Regimini Universae Ecclesiae, 1 . c., p. 889), and the other Cardinals same congregation, examination of which would probably have entrusted the Pontiff. In such circumstances, they may decide per modum provisionis, until the election of the Pope, all you create more suitable and appropriate for the preservation and defense of the rights and church traditions.

26. The Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura and the Tribunal of the Sacred Roman Rota, during the vacancy of the Holy See will continue to seek after their own affairs laws that apply to them, however observing the requirements of the Code of Canon Law, in cann. 244, par.1, y1603, par. 2.


27. After the death of the Roman Pontiff, the Cardinals held the funeral for nine consecutive days according to the Ordo exequiarum Summi Pontificis functi vita, which, like the Ordo sacrorum rituum Conclavis, integrate part of this Constitution.

28. If the burial takes place in the Vatican Basilica, the corresponding document is drawn up by the notary Chapter of the Basilica. Subsequently, a delegate of the Cardinal Camerlengo and a delegate of the Prefect of the Papal Household shall separately attest documents have made the grave: the first, in the presence of the Reverend Apostolic Chamber, the other in the presence of the Prefect of the House Pontifical.

29. If the Roman Pontiff died outside Rome, the Sacred College of Cardinals will have everything you need for a decent and dignified transfer of the body to the Vatican Basilica.

30. No one is allowed to take photographs of the Pope ill in bed or already dead, in their rooms, or tape recorder to record with the words, and then play them back. If someone after the death of the Pope wants to take pictures as documentation, you must ask the Cardinal Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church, which, however, will not allow photographs to be taken to the Supreme Pontiff if not coated with pontifical robes.
31. Before and during the conclave not be inhabited any part of the Pope's private apartment.

32. If the deceased pope has made a will of their stuff, letters and personal documents and has appointed an executor himself, and set it up to run, according to the mandate given by the testator, all matters relating to private property and the writings of deceased Pope. The executor will notice your work only to the new Supreme Pontiff.

Election of the Roman Pontiff


33. The right to elect the Roman Pontiff is solely for the cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, except those who, according to previously enacted statute (cf. Paul VI "Motu proprio"Ingravescentem ætatem, II, 2, AAS 62, 1970, p. 811), at the time of entering the Conclave has previously served eighty. The maximum number of cardinal electors must not exceed 120. It is thus absolutely exclude any kind of intervention by any ecclesiastical dignity or civil power of the degree or order it.

34. In case the Roman Pontiff died during the celebration of a General Council or of a Synod of Bishops, which will take place either in Rome or any other city in the world, the election of the new Pope should be made ​​exclusively by the cardinal electors listed above and not by the Council or the Synod of Bishops. We therefore declare null and void the acts the way it is, tend to modify the system rashly or the electorate. Moreover, the Council or the Synod of Bishops, whatever the state in which they are to be considered immediately suspended ipso jure, barely have certain news of the Pope's death. Therefore, they should stop, without delay, all kinds of assembly, congregation or meeting, and stop writing or preparing any decree or canon, on pain of nullity can not continue the Council or Synod for any reason, although is serious and worthy of special consideration, until the new pontiff canonically elected has failed to establish the re-start or continue.

35. No cardinal elector may be excluded from the election, actively or passively, the Supreme Pontiff, to cause or pretext of excommunication, suspension, interdict or other impediment ecclesiastical censures these should be considered in abeyance only by respect for that choice .

36. A Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church, created or published in Consistory, and for this very reason has the right to elect the pontiff but he has not yet imposed the biretta, or given the ring of the Cardinals own or have borrowed the usual oath loyalty. They have this right instead Cardinals canonically deposed or have resigned, with the consent of the Pope, to the dignity of Cardinal.Moreover, during the Vacant See, the Sacred College can not readmit or rehabilitate them.

37. Establish further that after the death of the cardinal electors present Pontiff must wait for fifteen full days absent, leaving the rest to the Sacred College of Cardinals the power to delay for about a few days in Conclave income. But twenty days to the fullest, all cardinal electors present shall be required to enter the Conclave and proceed to the election.

38. But if a cardinal elector came before the new pastor of the Church has been chosen, will be admitted to the voting process at the stage where they may be.
39. All cardinal electors, summoned by the Dean or by another cardinal in his name, for the election of the new Pontiff, are obliged, in virtue of holy obedience, to comply with the notice convening and begin a journey as soon as possible to the place designated for the election, unless they are prevented by illness or other serious impediment that must be recognized by the Sacred College of Cardinals.

40. If this is the case a cardinal who has the right to choose not to enter the Conclave or, after entering, leaving him without any evident reason of illness, acknowledged under oath by doctors and confirmed by the majority of voters will proceed freely to the election, nor admit unexpectedly back to the same choice. If instead one of the cardinal electors must leave the conclave by improvisa disease, you can proceed to the ratings even without his vote, but if he wants to come back into the conclave after his reinstatement or earlier should be admitted.

Moreover, if a cardinal elector leaves the Conclave by other grave reason, recognized by most voters, may return during the event.


41. The election of the Supreme Pontiff must be in the Conclave-disposed generally in the Vatican Palace or, for special reasons, in another place, after which the site has been closed. Disappears but the nullification of the election provided in this regard by Gregory XV or any other pontifical decree.

42. By means Conclave indeterminate environment, almost as a matter of sacred retreat where, after having invoked the Holy Spirit, the cardinal electors elect the Pope, and where they, along with the officers and assistants, in addition to any conclavists remain day and night until the election is made, without any communication with persons or others, in accordance with the following procedures and standards.

43. In the conclave, the cardinal electors addition, the Secretary shall enter the Sacred College, which will make Caucus Secretary, the Vicar General of the Roman pontiff to the Vatican City, with one or more assistants to service sacristy at will the Sacred College, the Master of Pontifical Ceremonies makers with pontifical ceremonies, to develop the functions thereof. In addition, he is permitted to Cardinal Dean or cardinal who takes his place to bring a church that serves as a helper.

44. will also be present some religious priests confess as possible in major languages, two doctors, one surgeon and one general practitioner, with one or two nurses, the architect of the Conclave and two technical experts (see nos. 55 and 61), all of them mostly selected by the Cardinals, on the proposal of Camerlengo and the three Cardinal Assistants: to these is added a suitable number of persons to assist in the needs of the Conclave, appointed by the relevant Commission of Cardinals, the issue in the no. 13 c.

45. The cardinal electors shall not carry any conclavist or personal server, or clergyman or layman.This may be granted only in special cases and as an exception, on serious illness. In that case should make explicit and reasoned request to Cardinal Camerlengo, who for consideration by the competent Commission of Cardinals, which shall decide the matter and, if welcomed, with the utmost care to ensure the qualities of people proposals for such an office.

46. All other officers and assistants of the Conclave, both ecclesiastical and secular, and also any conclavists, must under the responsibility of Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church oath in Latin or in another language, after they have understood the scope of such an oath and the meaning of the formula. So a day or two days before admission Caucus, will take an oath before the Secretary of the Conclave and the Papal Master of Ceremonies, delegates to this for the same Camerlengo-to which in turn they have previously borrowed oath [* ] -, using the following formula, duly translated into various languages:

I ..., NN promise and swear to observe inviolably secret about every one of the things about the election of the new Pope has been addressed and defined in the congregations of cardinals and about everything that happens in the Conclave or in place of the election, that directly or indirectly to ballots, and about anything else that came anyway known. Not break this secret in any way, directly or indirectly, or by words or writing, or any other way.Furthermore promise and swear not to use in any kind of instruments Conclave transferors or receivers and not use machines not intended, in any way, to take pictures, and all this under penalty of excommunication latae sententiae reserved specialissimo way to the Apostolic if that the above rule is violated. Consciously and scrupulously keep this secret even after the election of the new Pontiff, unless I be granted by the Pontiff himself or explicit special faculty of speech.

Similarly promise and swear that never lend help or will favor any interference, opposition or otherwise any intervention with the secular forces of order or degree they may be, or any group of people or individuals, would interfere in the election the Roman Pontiff.

So help me God and these Holy Gospels which I touch with my hand.

47. Officers and all other lay helpers who had to leave the conclave only on grounds of manifest disease and some entity, recognized by doctors under oath, and with the consent eorum onerata conscientia by Cardinal Camerlengo and the three Cardinal Assistants may not re-enter for any reason, but if necessary, to the moment they leave the sick may enter others in their place, provided they have been lawfully approved and accepted, and have taken oath.

48. In the event that a cardinal elector, who has been associated with a conclavist, died in conclave, its conclavist must leave immediately and cannot be assumed to serve another cardinal elector in the conclave itself.


49. Once completed in accordance with the requirements, the funeral of the late Pontiff and prepared from the Caucus, the cardinal electors will meet the appointed day in the Basilica of San Pedro or, if it has seen fit, in another place, where they develop ceremonies established bysacrorum rituum Urdo Conclavis. Immediately after the celebration of Mass in the morning or if deemed more appropriate in the afternoon of the same day, will be entering the Conclave.

Once arrived at the chapel, prayer is recited timely and intimated the Extra omnes be read the second part of this Constitution, ie "The election of the Roman Pontiff," and then all the cardinal electors take an oath according to the following formula , that will be read aloud by the Dean or by Cardinal first order and old:

Each and every one of us cardinal electors present in the conclave, promise, commit and swear to observe faithfully and scrupulously the prescriptions contained in the Apostolic Constitution of the Supreme Pontiff Paul VI Romano Pontifici eligendo date issued on October 1, 1975. Similarly, we promise, we undertake and swear that whichever of us by divine disposition is elected Roman Pontiff, will not cease to affirm, defend and, if necessary, and boldly claim full spiritual and temporal rights and freedom of the Holy See. Especially promise and swear to observe with the greatest fidelity and with all, even with our eventual conclavists, secrecy about everything that somehow relates to the election of the Roman Pontiff and what happens in the Conclave or place of the election, directly or indirectly relating to ballots, not in any way violate the secret, either during the conclave, either, even after the election of the new Pontiff, unless special or be given explicit authority for the same future Pontiff. Also, do not get in any way, by any civil authority, under any circumstances, the task of putting the "veto" or "exclusive", even in the form of simple desire, and not manifest this "veto" known for us in some way, not ever provide help or encourage any interference, opposition or other intervention anyway, with the secular authorities, of any kind or degree that they are, or any kind of people, in groups or individually, would interfere in the election of the Roman Pontiff.

Thereupon the cardinal electors tell each one individually: And I N. Cardinal N. promise, pledge and swear me, and putting his hand on the Gospels, added: So help me God and these Gospels which I touch with my hand.
Then Cardinal Cardinal Dean or first in order or seniority, addresses those present a brief speech, exhorting them with words appropriate to carry out the election in the prescribed manner and with the right intention, considering only the good of the Church universal.

50. Done all this, the Prefect of the Papal Household, the special delegate of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City and the commander of the Swiss Guard, who, under this Constitution, is entrusted with the custody of the Conclave, sworn by the formula prescribed [**] , to the Cardinal Dean or the first of the Cardinals and in the presence of all the cardinal electors, so will the prelates clerics Reverend Apostolic Chamber, the apostolic prothonotaries of participantium number and the auditors of the Sacred Rota Roman, who is entrusted with the supervision and custody of all that goes in and out of the Conclave. They will be helped by those responsible for the papal ceremonies.

51. Then all the cardinal electors are removed to the rooms, which have been designated by lot, unless the Camerlengo and the three Cardinal Assistants, which will remain in the chapel for the purposes of decommissioning the enclosure of the Conclave. Meanwhile, all officers of the Caucus and other help, if you have not done so, should pay as soon as possible above the prescribed oath in the presence of the Secretary of the Conclave and the Papal Master of Ceremonies, delegates to this for the Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church.

52. Finally, after the order of Cardinal Dean or the first of the cardinals has given a timely signal, the Camerlengo and the three Cardinal Assistants, accompanied by Master of Ceremonies, in charge of the ceremonies, the architect of the Conclave and two experts technicians, make a careful inspection of the various parts of the Conclave, that no stranger is inside. Therefore, you must pass all the helpers list Caucus, including conclavists any of the cardinal electors, so that no stranger is introduced between them. For this verification will be gathered in the chapel, which will be called by name.

53. While closed from within the conclave must also be closed from the outside, after careful investigation by the Prefect of the Papal Household, the special delegate of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City and the commander of the Guard Switzerland, in the presence of the Dean, of the clergy of the Reverend Prelates Apostolic Camera with Secretary by the Camerlengo deputy foreign minister, in charge of the ceremonies and architects. The keys are then consigned to the same special delegate of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City.

54. Execution of internal and external closure will be two separate documents: the first, written by Master of Pontifical Ceremonies, must be signed by the Secretary of the Conclave and the same MC notary acting in the presence of two managers of pontifical ceremonies as witnesses, the other must be written by one of the clergy of the Apostolic Camera, commissioned by the Cardinal Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church, in the office of the special delegate of the Pontifical Commission for the City Vatican. with the signature of the Prefect of the Papal Household, the same special delegate and the commander of the Swiss Guard.


55. The Cardinal Camerlengo and the three Cardinal Assistants pro tempore are required to monitor carefully, frequently visiting personally or through others, the various parts of the Conclave, in order that its closure is not violated in any way. During this visit are always present two technical experts, who use, if necessary, modern appliances, investigate on the possible presence of the instruments that is spoken in the no. 61. Should anything be found of this type, the guilty will be expelled from the Caucus and will be punished by severe will the future Pontiff.

56. After the close of the Conclave, no person shall be admitted to speak with the cardinal electors or with others involved in the conclave, but in the presence of the prelates, who is entrusted with the custody of the same, making it aloud and language understandable. In the event that any among sneaking into the conclave, shall be deprived ipso facto of all honor, rank, office and ecclesiastical benefice or, as the condition of the person shall be subject to appropriate penalties.

57. Also establish that they can not send letters or writings of any kind, including printed, which are in conclave, without excluding the cardinal electors and, especially, from the Conclave to outsiders, if each and every one of the writings not been considered previously by the Secretary of the Conclave, with prelates delegates to the custody of the same. However, this rule is excluded from the exchange of letters, which will be free and unimpeded, from the Apostolic Penitentiary and Cardinal Major Penitentiary resident in the Conclave, therefore these letters, bearing the official stamp shall not be subject to any review or inspection.

Also expressly prohibit daily or periodical press send to or from the conclave Conclave outside.

58. Caucus Assistants are required to carefully avoid everything that could somehow directly or indirectly violate the secret, as words, writings, signs or anything else, under penalty of excommunication latae sententiae reserved to the Apostolic See.

59. Prohibit in particular the cardinal electors reveal their servers any news or any other person that directly or indirectly relate to the feedback and what has been discussed or decided on the election of the Pope in the Congregations of Cardinals, either before either during the Conclave.

60. Also ordered the cardinal electors, graviter onerata ipsorum conscientia, keep secret all this even after the election of the new Pope, remembering that it is not licit to break in any way, unless it has been granted a special and explicit authority by the same Pontiff . We extend this order to all others involved in the Conclave, who happened, good or bad faith, have come to the knowledge of what has been done inside.
61. Finally, for the cardinal electors can be safeguarded from the indiscretion of others or any snares that may be laid to their independence of judgment and freedom of choice, absolutely forbid it, under any pretext, are introduced into the Conclave, or have been introduced, which are used, all the instruments used to record, reproduce or transmit voices and images.


62. The morning after the close of the Conclave, once given the signal, the cardinal electors who are not disabled by sickness gather in the chapel indicated where concelebrate the Mass or attend.After the celebration and made the invocation to the Holy Spirit, we proceed immediately to the election, which must take effect only one of the three modes described below, otherwise the election is to be considered null and void, leaving standing as is set to no. 76.

63. The first mode of election can be called by acclamation or inspiration, and occurs when the cardinal electors, as illuminated by the Holy Spirit, freely and spontaneously, proclaim one unanimously and loudly, Supreme Pontiff. This form of election can be effected only in conclave and after the closing of the enclosure and must be pronouncing the word eligo intelligibly or expressing it in writing, in case one can not utter it. It also required that this form of choice is accepted unanimously by every one of the cardinal electors present in the conclave, even those who by reason of illness have been in their rooms, with no disagreement by one or has been previously any special agreement on the name of the person you choose.

If any of the cardinal electors, for example, say spontaneously and without special agreement:Eminent Fathers: In view of the singular virtue and probity which contribute to the Reverend NN, I believe it worthy of being elected Pope and now I choose Pope himself, and everyone else, without exception, follow his apparently repeating the word intelligibly eligo or, if you can not do it, expressing it in writing, the person so unanimously indicated no other agreement, would be canonically elected Pope Thus according to choice.

64. The second mode, called for commitment, occurs when, under certain circumstances, the cardinal electors entrusted to a group of them to choose, rather than all, the Shepherd of the Catholic Church. Again, each and every one of the cardinal electors present in the conclave and closed without dissent determined to proceed by commitment, trust election to some parents, who are in an odd number, from a minimum to a maximum of nine fifteen subscribing, for example, the following formula: In the name of the Lord. Amen. In ... to ... the month of ..., we each and every one of the cardinal electors present in the conclave (the names of each of the cardinal electors) and we decided to proceed with the election decided by compromise and thus concorde and unanimously without any dissent. Emmos electors to choose. Parents ... who give full power to provide the Holy Roman Church of his Pastor, in this form, that is ... And here it is necessary that the cardinal electors, who make the commitment, and clearly indicate how the form in which the electors should proceed to the election and what is required to be valid, for example, whether to propose before the entire electorate to choose the person they think should be made ​​directly or election; if all the delegates must agree on the same person or whether it will be sufficient that two thirds; whether to appoint only one that is part of the electorate or even to an outsider, etc..

It will be also necessary to fix precisely how long the cardinal electors leave the delegates the power to choose, finally add these or similar words: We promise to recognize Pope him whom the commissioners have decided to choose according to the above formula indicated.

Mandated with such requirements, the delegates retire to a separate, closed, with the clear premise that, more free time to talk, do not think consent by any statement in words but it will expressly in writing. After the delegates have carried the election in accordance with the standard prescribed to them, and once enacted in Conclave, which was chosen in this way is truly canonical and Papa.

65. The third and ordinary mode choice is the Roman Pontiff is crutinio. fully confirm this respect formerly sanctioned by law and since then scrupulously observed, which states that for the valid election of the Supreme Pontiff requires two-thirds vote. We also want to maintain in force the standard set by our predecessor Pius XII, which prescribes that the two-thirds majority must always add one more (cf. Const. Apost. Vacantis Apostolicae Sedis , 68, AAS 38, 1946, p. 87).

66. Election by ballot takes place in three phases, the first of which can be called preescrutinio, including: 1) the preparation and distribution of ballots by the makers of the ceremonies, who give at least two or three on each cardinal elector; 2) extracting, by lot among the cardinal electors, three tellers, three collected the votes of the sick, called for brevity infirmarii , and three reviewers, this giveaway is from publicly the last cardinal deacon, who draws out nine names of those who must carry out these tasks, 3) the collection of ballots: this must be carried out in secret by each cardinal elector, who will write, with less recognizable writing possible the name of those who choose to avoid writing more names because the vote would be null, 4) how to fold the ballot, through the center of each, so that it would reduce the size of an inch.

67. In this phase the choice by screening, we must take into account the following requirements: a) the ballot has to have rectangular shape and in the upper half be written the following words: Eligo in Summum Pontificem ..., while in the lower half should leave room to write the name of the chosen, so the ballot is made ​​so that it can be folded in two; b) if the removal of the tellers,infirmarii and reviewers, leaving the names of cardinal electors who , due to illness or other reasons, can not carry out these tasks instead be extracted the names of others who are not disabled. The first three features extracted develop tellers, the three following infirmarii and the last three of reviewers: c) for the feedback, the cardinal electors must remain alone in the chapel, for which, immediately after the distribution of ballots and before voters start writing, the Secretary of the Conclave, the Papal Master of Ceremonies and ceremonies makers must leave the classroom after leaving them, the last cardinal deacon closes the door, opening it and returning it to open all times as required, for example when infirmarii target collect the votes of the sick and return to the chapel.

68. The second stage, called the true and proper scrutiny, including: 1) place the ballots in the container specified for it, 2) the mixture and count them, 3) the counting of votes. Each cardinal elector, in order of precedence, having written and folded the ballot, holding it up so that you see, leads to the altar where the tellers and on which is placed a bowl covered with a dish to collect the ballots . Reached the altar, genuflects Cardinal elector, pray for a moment and stood and uttered aloud the following oath formula: I call to witness Christ the Lord who will judge me, that I give my vote to that that in the presence of God, qua think should be elected . Then deposits the ballot into the dish and he drops it into the container. Then tilt the altar ago and returns to his place.
If some of the cardinal electors present in the chapel may not approach the altar for being sick, the last of the tellers to him and he made the usual oath, hands folded ballot at the same teller, who carries so well visible to the altar and, without prayer or reciting the oath, the deposits on the plate and he drops it into the container.

69. If sick cardinal electors who have stayed in their rooms, the three infirrmarii target beyond carrying a box that takes the top an opening through which can be inserted a folded ballot. The tellers, before handing the box to infirmarii , the open to all, so that other voters can verify that it is empty, then close it and place the key on the altar. Then the infirmarii closed box with a convenient number of ballots on a tray, then go to the room of each patient, which, taken a ballot, vote secretly, folds and taken the oath mentioned above, enters the housing through the slot. If a patient is unable to write, one of the three infirmarii or other cardinal elector chosen by the patient, after being sworn in, in the hands of the same infirmarii , to keep secret, carried out such operations. After this, the infirmarii back with the box to the chapel and the tellers, once opened, containing the ballots counted, after having verified that it corresponds to the number of patients, put them one by one on the plate and, using this, drop them all together to the container. For not much extending the vote, the infirmarii may fill out and deposit their ballots in the container immediately after the first of the cardinals finally going to collect the votes of the sick in the manner indicated above, while other voters cast their ballot .

70. Once all the cardinal electors have introduced their ballots in the container, the first Scrutineer moved several times to mix them, immediately after the last teller proceeds to count them, pulling them out one by one and so visible container and returning them to deposit in another empty container prepared for this purpose. If the number of ballots does not match the number of voters, and must all be burned immediately proceed to a second ballot: if, on the contrary, the number of ballots corresponds to the number of voters, continue counting ballots, which done in the following way:

71. The tellers sit at a table set before the altar: the first one takes a ballot, opens it, looks at the name chosen and passes the second teller who, after checking in turn chosen name, passes the third, who reads aloud and intelligible, so that all voters present to record the vote in an appropriate sheet. The same notes that you have read the name on the ballot. If, during the counting of votes, the tellers discover two ballots folded so that seem to have been filled by a single voter, they bear the same name, will be counted as one vote, and if, on the contrary, have different names, not valid neither votes, but the vote will not be canceled in any of the two cases.

After the counting of the ballots, the tellers add the votes obtained by the various names and write them down on a separate sheet. The last of the tellers, as you read each of the ballots, pierced with a needle at the point where the words I choose and the skewers on a wire, so they can be stored safely. Upon completion of reading the names, a knot tied with thread ends, and so linked ballots, are placed in a vacuum container or a side of the table.

72. Follow, finally, the third and final phase, also called post-scrutiny, including: 1) the counting of votes, 2) control, 3) the combustion of ballots.

The tellers make the sum of all the votes that each has obtained and if none has reached the two-thirds majority plus one, it was elected Pope in this poll, if instead it turns out that someone has obtained two-thirds vote plus one, it shall be canonically valid election of the Roman Pontiff.

In both cases, ie, has taken place or not choosing, reviewers should carry out checks both ballots as annotations of the votes made by the tellers to see if they have exactly and faithfully performed its function.

Immediately after the review, before the cardinal electors leave the room, all ballots will be burned by the tellers, who will assist the Secretary of the Conclave, and managers of the ceremonies, called in the interval from the last cardinal deacon. In case you should immediately proceed to a second ballot, the ballots from the first ballot shall be burned only at the end, along with the second ballot.

73. We send each and every one of the cardinal electors, who, in order to maintain secrecy more securely, delivered to Cardinal Camerlengo or one of the three cardinals attending the writings of any kind that have them on the outcome of each of the scrutiny. Such writings should be burned along with the ballots.

Also establish that, at the end of the conclave, Cardinal Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church extends a document, which should also be approved by the three Cardinal Assistants, which declare the result of the votes of each of the sessions. This writing, kept on file, should be locked in a sealed envelope, which shall not be opened by anyone, unless the Supreme Pontiff gives explicit permission.

74. Confirming the provisions of our predecessors of venerable memory, St. Pius X (cf. Const. Apost. Vacant Apostolic See: Pii X Pontificis Maximi Minutes, p. 280-281) and Pius XII (cf. Const. Apost. Vacancies Apostolicae Sedis, 88 , AAS 38, 1946, p. 93), we order that the cardinal electors, both morning and afternoon, immediately after a vote in which no election has taken place, proceed immediately to a second, in which again give his vote, count the votes cast in the previous ballot. In this second ballot shall observe all rules of the first, with the difference that the voters are not required to make a new oath, or to elect new tellers, infirmarii and reviewers, this order remains valid also for the second ballot which as was done in the first, without any repetition.

75. All that has been established above about the conduct of voting, must be diligently observed by the cardinal electors in all elections, which must be made ​​every day, morning and evening, after the sacred functions or sentences laid down in that rituum sacrorum Conclavis Ordo.

76. In the case of the cardinal electors who find it difficult to agree on the person to choose, then, to no avail concluded three days of scrutiny in the manner described (No. 65 et seq.), They are suspended, the most for a day, to pause for prayer, free conversation between voters and a brief spiritual exhortation made ​​by Cardinal first order of deacons. After all this voting resumed in the same form and if after seven ballots not obtained the election was another pause for prayer and conversation exhortation given by Cardinal first Order of Priests. It comes after Another series of seven ballots, followed, if you have not got the result, a further pause for prayer, discussion and exhortation given by Cardinal first order of bishops. Then the Cardinal Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church consult voters on how to proceed. It should not require abandoning the criterion for an effective vote, two-thirds of votes plus one, except that all the cardinal electors, unanimously, that is, without exception, to speak out in favor of a different approach, which may consist incommitment (see no. 64) or an absolute majority of votes, plus one, or in the tiebreaker between the two that have earned the most votes in the immediately preceding election.

77. If the choice was made differently than the three described above (see no. 63 et seq.), Or without the conditions for each of them, so it is null and void (see no. 62) , without requiring any statement, and does not entitle anyone who was elected in this way.

78. We establish that the provisions pertaining to everything that precedes the election of the Roman Pontiff and the development of it, must be fully observed, even if the vacancy elevated the Apostolic could occur as a result of the resignation of the Supreme Pontiff.


79. We also, as our ancestors. disapprove and condemn the detestable crime of simony in the election of the Roman Pontiff and inflict excommunication latae sententiae all those who become guilty, but at the same time, we affirmed the readiness of our predecessor St. Pius X, which has been removing the nullification of the election simoniacal established by Julius II or any other pontifical decree, so that is not challenged on that ground the validity of the election of the Roman Pontiff (cf. Const. Apost. Vacant Apostolic See, no. 79 : Pii X Pontificis Maximi Act, III, p. 282).

80. We also confirm the requirements of our predecessors, we forbid anyone, even if they are invested with the dignity of Cardinal, treat, while the Pope alive and without consultation, on the election of his successor, promise votes, or making decisions in this regard in private meetings .

81. Similarly, we wish to reaffirm our predecessors as sanctioned in order to exclude any external intervention in the election of the Supreme Pontiff. So, again, in virtue of holy obedience and under pain of excommunication latae sententiae, forbid all and each of the voters, present and future, and the Secretary of the Conclave and all participants therein, receive, under any pretext, from any civil authority, was commissioned to put the veto or the exclusive, even in the form of simple desire, or also be manifest to the whole group gathered together election, whether each of the voters, in writing or word, directly or indirectly, both before and during the conclave. We hope that this prohibition extends to all possible interferences, oppositions and desires, which would interfere with the election of Pope secular authorities of any level or degree, or any kind of people, in groups or individually.

82. The cardinal electors are also to abstain from any form of pact, agreement, promise or other commitment of any kind which could oblige them to give or not to give the vote to one or a few. If this were done, even under oath, decree that is null and void and that no one is obliged to observe and from henceforth impose excommunication latae sententiae offenders. However, we do not intend to prohibit during the Vacant See exchanges of ideas are made ​​about the election.

83. Similarly, forbid the Cardinals do, before the election, capitulations, ie commitments of agreement and agrees to meet them in the event that one of them be elevated to the papacy. And these promises, if they existed, even if they were made under oath, declare them null and void.

84. With the same insistence of our predecessors we strongly urge that the cardinal electors in the election of the Pope, not be swayed by friendship or aversion, or be influenced by favor or respect for anyone or push through the intervention of important people or pressure groups, by the suggestions of social media, by violence, by the fear or the desire for popularity. Rather, considering only the glory of God and the good of the Church, and having prayed for divine assistance, give their vote to the person deemed more appropriate than others to lead a fruitful and useful to the universal Church.

85. During the celebration of the Conclave, the Church is united in a very particular with their pastors and especially the cardinal electors of the Pope and asks God the new chief as a gift of her goodness and providence. In fact, the example of the first Christian community of which he speaks in the Acts of the Apostles (cf. Acts 1: 14), the universal Church, spiritually united with Mary, Mother of Jesus, must "persevering with one mind in prayer "Thus the election of the new Pope will not be an isolated event of God's people and booked the only polling station, but in a certain sense, is an action of the whole Church. Thus, we establish that in all cities and in other places, at least in the most important, having received the news of the Pope's death and after the celebration of the funeral rites, is humble and persevering prayers to Lord, to enlighten the electors and make them so likeminded in their task to obtain a quick, unanimous and fruitful election, as required by the salvation of souls and the good of everyone.

86. As refers to one who is elected, please do not fall outside the office to which it is named, for fear of its weight, but to submit humbly to the design of the divine will. Because God who imposes the burden, it holds your hand, so you can carry it, and to give it a heavy task, also gives aid to fill it, and to give dignity, gives strength, so that not droop under the weight of the craft.


87. Made canonical election, the last of the cardinal deacons called to the room of the Secretary of the Conclave, the Master of Ceremonies and the charge of the ceremonies. Then the Cardinal Dean or the first of the cardinals in order of seniority, on behalf of the College of electors, chosen consent requests with these words: Do you accept your canonical election as Supreme Pontiff? , upon receipt of the consent asks: How do you want to be called? Then the Master of Pontifical Ceremonies, according to notary and two witnesses by taking charge of the ceremonies, take minutes of the acceptance of the new Pope and took the name.

88. After acceptance, the chosen and received episcopal ordination, is immediately Bishop of the Roman Church, true Pope and Head of the Episcopal College, the same acquires actually can exercise full and supreme power over the universal Church.
If, however, the character is devoid elected Episcopal bishop will be ordained immediately.

89. Meanwhile, met the other formalities in rituum sacrorum Conclavis Ordo , the cardinal electors are close, in the manner prescribed, to tax their homage and obedience to the newly elected Pope. Successively thank God and then the first of the cardinal deacons announces to the people waiting who the new pontiff, who, immediately after, gives the blessing Urbi et Orbi.
If the choice is devoid of a Bishop, he pays homage and obedience and made the announcement to the people only after it has received episcopal ordination.

90. If, however, the choice is out of the Conclave, must be observed the rules contained in thatrituum sacrorum Conclavis Ordo .
The episcopal ordination of the Supreme Pontiff, if not yet a bishop, which is spoken in the numbers 88 and 89, will - of more Ecclesiae - the dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals or, in his absence, the Vice-Dean or, if Also it is prevented, the most senior Cardinal Bishops.

91. Establish that, in terms of canonical effects of spoken in no. 56, the Conclave ends immediately after the election of the Supreme Pontiff and he has given his consent, and, if not a bishop, after his episcopal ordination (cf. 88 and 89). Therefore, we decree that from the outset to have access to elected Pontiff Substitute of the Secretariat of State, the Secretary of the Council for the Public Affairs of the Church, the Prefect of the Papal Household and anyone else who has to deal with the elected Pontiff issues necessary in such moments.

92. Finally, the Pontiff will be crowned by Cardinal Protodeacon and within a suitable space of time, will take possession of the Patriarchal Lateran Basilica, according to the rite prescribed.

All this, therefore, establish and prescribe, after mature and careful reflection, and declaring abrogated, as noted above, the regulations and the Apostolic Constitutions, issued in this regard by the Roman Pontiffs Our want this Constitution has full effect now and in the future, so that the set has been exposed and the same, exactly observed by all concerned and thus be implemented notwithstanding any provision to the contrary even worthy of special mention. If despite this, consciously or unconsciously, to act differently as we have prescribed, declare that these actions are totally deprived of value.

Given in Rome, at Saint Peter's, on October 1, 1975, the year of our pontificate XIII.

[*] oath formula that will provide the Secretary of the Conclave and the Papal Master of Ceremonies: I ..., touching the Holy Gospels, promise and swear that I will be faithful to each and every one of the provisions of the Sacred College of Cardinals and diligently and conscientiously fulfill my duty. Similarly promise and swear that I will keep secret inviolable every ... (The text of the oath formula Caucus officers, transcribed below).
[**] Formula oath: I, NN, promise, pledge and swear me fulfill my duty faithfully and diligently, under rules set by the Popes and the provisions issued by the Sacred College of Cardinals. So help me God and these Holy Gospels which I touch with my hand.

Students and Teachers of US History this is a video of Stanley and Christopher Klos presenting America's Four United Republics Curriculum at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School. The December 2015 video was an impromptu capture by a member of the audience of Penn students, professors and guests that numbered about 200. -- Download  Curriculum Here

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